Grandparenting with Grace Seminar

When: Saturday, September 28, 2024 9:00am – 2:00pm

Where: Emmanuel Church Family Life Center, 75 Eastern Ave, Rochester, NH 03867

Cost: $25 per person or $40 per couple (Lunch is included. Please don’t let the cost to attend be prohibitive. Let us know if scholarship help is desired.)


  • 8:30am – Doors open for Registration
  • 9:00am – Session 1: “What is God’s Calling on Me as a Grandparent?”
  • 10:00am – Break
  • 10:30am – Session 2:  “Why does my Grandchild Need the Gospel?”
  • 11:30am – Lunch
  • 12:30pm – Session 3:  “How to Leave a Christ-Centered Legacy”


Have you ever heard a grandparent say, “If I had known having grandkids was this much fun, I would have had them first!”? Most grandparents love being grandparents. Isn’t it interesting, though, how few grandparents have ever had any training in grandparenting, and even fewer have had the benefit of being trained in grandparenting from a biblical perspective.

In our Grandparenting with Grace Seminar, we want to help solve that. Our commitment to those who come to this seminar is that we will provide 1) clear biblical teaching on the mission God has given grandparents, 2) hope in showing how the gospel shapes the ministry of grandparenting and 3) help in sharing practical ideas of how to better relate to your grandkids and their parents for God’s glory and their good.

Our prayer is that you’ll find this seminar with Dr. Larry McCall surprisingly helpful in developing deep, gospel-centered relationships with your grandkids and their parents. Lord willing, we’ll see you soon–and please invite some of your fellow grandparents to join us as well.

Please contact Pastor John Tate or Pastor Josh Rice at the church with any questions: 603-332-5355

About Dr. Larry & Gladine McCall

Larry and Gladine McCall began their journey as husband and wife in 1975, having been sweethearts since their high school days in western Pennsylvania. After serving 40 years on the pastoral team of Christ’s Covenant Church in Winona Lake, Indiana, Larry was commissioned by the church’s elders to serve Christ’s people at various locations around the world through a teaching, preaching and writing ministry. Larry has had the privilege of writing “Walking Like Jesus,” “Loving Your Wife as Christ Loves the Church,” and “Grandparenting with Grace.” Larry and Gladine find delight in teaching God’s people how to find help and hope from God’s Word by applying the gospel to life’s most crucial relationships–marriage, parenting and grandparenting. When they have free time, they enjoy activities such as taking walks, biking, kayaking and other water sports. Larry and Gladine have three married children and seven much-loved grandchildren. In God’s kindness, Larry and Gladine are able to have regular, intentional interaction with all seven grandchildren, either face-to-face or through video calls. They find a great privilege to come alongside their adult children in helping disciple the grandchildren for God’s glory and their good.